We are talking about our 4 Core Concepts that we take in our approach to Coaching. Two weeks ago, we talked about You Are Unique, last week we discussed the importance of Unlocking You. And this week, I want to tell you about the third Core Concept we have at Kyle McMurray Coaching. You’re listening to Living the Freedom Life podcast, this is episode 110 and today we are Unmasking the Lies.

Have you ever believed a lie? Well, let me ask you a more specific question in a different way. Have you ever been told a lie? I’m not talking about when someone blatantly tells you something that you know is not true. 

Have you ever had someone tell you something, you believed it, because you had no reason to doubt them, but then later discovered that it wasn’t true? That’s painful. It hurts. 

Because, why would they do that? We go through this stage of trying to figure out why they would do something like that. We’ll actually talk about that, next week when we talk about our 4th Concept to our approach to Coaching. 

But when we try to figure out why, the subtext to that, or the underlying message in the lie is, that I wasn’t worth telling the truth to. In other words, you didn’t see me as valuable enough to tell me the truth. Something else was worth more to you, than me. 

That is what a lie does. It may not speak directly to us in this way, but the subtext does. It’s so subtle that we rarely recognise it. 

Now to throw you a curve. 

Do you know that we lie to ourselves?

Sure, we are told lies. We are probably told lies every day. But we also lie to ourselves. 

I think the question now is, how often do we believe them? 

How often are we able to recognise them?

How many times in those situations do we have the boldness to correct it to the truth?

How many of you are blown away by this and have no clue of what I’m talking about?

That’s why our third Concept to our Coaching Practice is Unmasking the Lies. Here is how it reads on our site:

Most of the time, Honesty is elusive to our own mind. We lie to ourselves and believe those lies through our own logic. We unmask the lies and abolish opinions. We uncover the truth

I have a client that in his business he owns, he wants to expand but doesn’t know how. He believed that he couldn’t because he didn’t have time. We were able to go in and reveal areas that had nothing to do with his business but had everything to do with what he believed in himself and how he led his team. 

See, most of the time, we don’t know we are being lied to. Especially when we have our own logic substantiating it. In our mind, it makes sense. We can and do conclude that it must be true. When all the while, we are lying to ourselves and we stay in the holding pattern because we believe that it can’t be different because of this one thing we believe is true. 

The thing about Unmasking the Lies is that all we see is the mask. It’s like when I was a kid, I would watch Scooby Dooby Doo. What would usually happen at the end? The whole time, you thought that this masked big scary thing was tormenting and preventing these things from happening, when the moment comes when Shaggy, Fred, Daphne and Velma, simply took the mask off of ‘Ol Mr. Waternoose, the pet shop owner. I mean, he always seemed to look harmless, but the whole episode was filled with scare tactics, visual lies and spooky sounds.

With every episode, it was all driven by greed, jealousy, power, and selfishness, all to get people to realise their power of choice. What we believe, we’ve chosen to believe. But when a lie can be legitimised by our logic, then we will believe anything.

This is why there is such a battle for the truth. 

Because if we cannot know there is an ultimate truth, then there is no truth at all. 

Truth is not relative to opinion. 

What is true to you, may not be true to me. Is a lie.

If this stirs up something in you, let’s not forget there is a difference between truth and fact. 

We have blurred the lines between the definitions of truth and fact. This may be for another episode but I will give you a quick example of this.

In a court room, when someone is being tried for a crime of some sort, the main goal of the entire court system is to determine the truth of the relevant events that took place by the facts presented to the court. Correct? The Judiciary system is to “Interpret and apply the law”.  

In the old TV show Dragnet, the main statement of the detective Joe Friday was “Just the facts ma’am just the facts”. Facts are the qualitative pieces of evidence that assist in discovering the truth. 

The enemy knows that if you are one of God’s people, you are to judge the world. (1Cor 6:2)

Now let’s be careful with that and take it in context of what this is saying. I’m not talking about shaking your finger at every sin you see. That is the wrong kind of “judgement”. We can talk more on that later. 

What I’m trying to get you to see is that we have something very powerful and the enemy knows it. We have the power of choice. The enemy knows that if he presents a piece of evidence in a certain way, that he can get you to make a decision based on a lie, you will conclude it to be the truth when it’s a lie. 

All of us have the propensity to fall for this particular trap. This actually describes the freedom we get to experience when we “know the truth”. Then, it will set us free. 

Most of the time, Honesty is elusive to our own mind. We lie to ourselves and believe those lies through our own logic. We unmask the lies and abolish opinions. We uncover the truth

I have something to ask of you. We want to help more people. That’s why we started KM Coaching. If you haven’t already, hit subscribe, share this with people you care about. 

Because when we really care about people, we want them to experience the same freedoms you are. That’s why we produce Living the Freedom Life each week. We just want to help in any way we can. From all of us here at Kyle McMurray Coaching, thank you so much for listening today, We will see you next week. Living the Freedom Life, this is Kyle.