We began a series on our podcast last week, discussing our 4 Core Concepts that we take in our approach to Coaching. You can see them on our website KyleMcMurray.com. I’ll have a link in the show notes for you so you can see them. We want to share our second concept with you because this concept is well known but rarely activated. Because it takes someone outside of yourself to activate it. That’s just the way the Brain works. Let’s get started on today’s episode of Living the Freedom Life podcast, we’re on episode #109 and today we are discovering the importance of Unlocking You.

Whenever we think of our ideal life, what our picture perfect house would be, and that we would go each day to the perfect job, and have an uber successful career. 

We have those things in mind and we want to take steps to get there, but most people don’t know how to get there. All of us have ideals in our mind of what we want our lives to look like, but few have the vision to get there. Few have the answers, few people have a clear path of how to get what they want in life. This is where we come in. Everyone needs a Coach. Well, if you are happy with the same patterns in your life, then, I guess, no. Not everyone wants a Coach, and I’m okay with that. But in order to grow, in order to have real and permanent change, everyone needs a Coach. 

Here is how our second Concept to Coaching reads:

The reason we can’t move forward as we hope or aspire to, is in our subconscious. It’s not knowledge based, it is belief based. We have time tested methods to unlock what is standing in your way.

There always seems to be hurdles in the way to a better you. There’s this glass ceiling that keeps most people from going to that new level in life. 

Most people hear this and usually think one of three things:

  1. Well, I can do this myself.” Okay. To steal a quote from Dr. Phil, “How’s that been working for you?” All of us have blind spots and it’s pretty arrogant and, well, blind for us to think we don’t. 
  1. I can just google it.” If you are able to find what you need, does it fit you? Will you interpret the truth in areas where you need it? We often treat Google like a file system. We access the info when we think we need it instead of learning about it. 
  1. I have a good circle of friends, they keep me in check.” There are very few people who have friends that will be truthful, I mean truthful, really. Most people will let being nice overrule the need to be honest in areas where they believe you will be offended. They may try to sugar coat it and you will either ignore the comment, not get the hint, or rule it as them being snarky and it’s their problem. Even at high levels of friends circles, most people let the friendship rule over truth. We read in the Bible where we are to “speak truth in love” and let love take the unhealthy dose and overpower truth. That’s a dangerous cloak. 

So, we take those main excuses and go about our day, unchecked and unchanged.

We let the daily mundane erode the tools it takes for change. 

Until finally, some people just settle in life. Eeking out a living with their job, having the same patterns in an everyday routine that is numbing them, into submission of a life that is flatlined.

God doesn’t want you to settle. When He created you, He didn’t have mediocrity in mind. He wants you to thrive. But those pesky hurdles. . .

We have found, not only through our training, but through years of experience that the key to all of this, every bit of it, lies within you. You may think you don’t have the answers, but they are available to you. 

We help you unlock them. We help you, Unlock You.

There are limiting beliefs that have a way of stopping us, keeping us from reaching our potential.

Did you realise that you have limiting beliefs that actually sabotage you from the very things that you dream of. There may be some things in your life that skews or distorts or bends the way you interpret the world around you. That can have a very limiting hold on your life. It can keep you from moving forward and disguise itself so well that most people can’t recognize it. 

We have to discover what is holding you back. And it may be something as simple as getting you a pair of glasses, so to speak. So that you can see things differently.

When we see things differently and in this case clearly, we can see through those hurdles and make different decisions. Different decisions turn into different outcomes. And that’s what we really want is a different outcome. Deep down, we know that we are meant for more than what is currently in our life right now. The answer is NOT just to try harder. That’s not the answer. When we just buckle down and try harder, we’ll get tired, forget, not have time, or get distracted. 

When we are able to see things differently, then making different choices, are a no brainer. 

Let me read our second Concept of Coaching again:

The reason we can’t move forward as we hope or aspire to, is in our subconscious. It’s not knowledge based, it is belief based. We have time tested methods to unlock what is standing in your way.

We are out of time today, but I want you to know

You are stronger than you feel, you are smarter than you know, and you are gifted more than what you’ve experienced. 

We are here to awaken those. 

The most important step in any journey is your next one. We want to help.

Until next time, Living the Freedom Life, This is Kyle