Episode 108

When you visit us on KyleMcMurray.com and look on our Coaching page, you will see our 4 concepts that we take in our approach to Coaching. We want to share those with you for the next 4 weeks as we discuss the importance and meaning behind each of them. I think there is a lot that we can apply to everyday life from each of these. So let’s get started. You’re listening to Living the freedom Life podcast, this is episode #108 and today we are discussing that You Are Unique.

I think that you will enjoy this 4 week series. The reason I say that is that I find myself talking about these 4 concepts of Coaching in our sessions.  Our 1st concept to our approach to Coaching is that You are Unique. Here is the legal statement that we labored over and came up with. It says quite a lot more than just “You are Unique”. Let me read it to you:

We believe that God creates each person unique. One of our main concepts is to call that greatness out of you, into the world. That is a process (a series of events to produce a result), but not a rigid formula.

We want to be unique, we want to stand out, but on the other side of that, we still want to fit in, we want to belong to a tribe, a herd. Which one is it? While we try to reconcile that, we begin to compare ourselves to others and our lives to the people around us. 

I know, it sounds a lot like covetousness. That’s one that made it to the top ten list in Exodus 20

I want what that person has, or I wish I could live that way. I would like to be more like that person. 

Comparing can turn to be a bad thing pretty quickly. Comparing ourselves with other people, keeping up with the Jones’ can be a rat race that can’t be won.

Now I’m not sure about you, but when we have a relationship with The Lord, we are to compare ourselves to no one, except that we are supposed to compare ourselves to Jesus. Well, His life. 

We are joint heirs to the Throne. Jesus is my brother.

Jesus was perfect. He lived a perfect life. 

Our logic says that we can never measure up to Him.

God doesn’t want that. We were not made to be defeated. 

Because Jesus died the death we should die, but He because He died in our place, he gives us His life to live. That is the exchange on the cross. 

He gives us

Holy Spirit is here to help us live life.  

We ARE to compare ourselves to Jesus’ life. 

  1. To keep us humble in our humanity- He is fully God (deity) 
  2. To see His struggle in Humanity- Jesus was fully human (the bible says He was tempted in all things so we know we are not alone)
  3. To see His victory in submitting- Jesus showed time and time again that He was submitted to the Father and that provides a direct connection. 
  4. To keep us communicating to Him- Helps us process the world around us and align it to the truth. 
  5. To see His power in choosing- We always have a choice. There is great power in that.
  6. To keep us connected to Him- We have access to His power at any time
  7. To see His perfection in Deity- We don’t have to rely on our power to do things right, 
  8. To keep us crucified with Him- Reminding us that it is more about the relationship in the daily struggle than it is about a “one time” decision. It is about a lifestyle.

Kind of like Living the Freedom Life. 

Now I want to read our Concept #1 to you again through the lens of what we just discussed.:

We believe that God creates each person unique. One of our main concepts is to call that greatness out of you, into the world. That is a process (a series of events to produce a result), but not a rigid formula.

See, whether you have accepted this or not, whether you are okay with it or not, you are created as the Bible says, “After God’s own image”. 

Now, I’m not claiming to know what He looks like but, You have a head on top of your shoulders and two arms, one nose. You have no say so in how you were created. 

If you wanted two noses, I guess there is some fake way to fabricate that, but you weren’t created that way. 

He gave you certain gifts, specific talents, and a set of skills that only you have. 

It is more powerful to be you, because everyone else is already taken.” 

We are here to call that greatness out of you. 

We help you hone that set of skills towards areas that will help you achieve your goals in life.

We help you discover your specific talents, help you plan a platform for that talent to grow.

We help you unleash those certain gifts that God gave you to benefit His Kingdom, to help and serve others that need what only you can communicate.

And in short, the last part of our first Concept of Coaching says that there is a process to uncovering all of this. A process is a series of events to produce a result. A formula is a rigid approach to solve a problem. 

We have found that a lot of Coaches take this cookie cutter formula approach. 

We are not here to try to stamp you into something that just isn’t you. 

We believe that each person’s journey is as unique as our approach to call your greatness out, bring it forward in your life, and introduce it to the world in your own unique way. 

That takes a unique approach. 

Which will provide unique results. 

So that you can live your unique life. 

So that you can Live the Freedom Life.

We are out of time but we would love to hear from you. Reach out to us through social media, our website, any way that we can help, that is what we are here to do. 

Until next week, remember, “If you are always trying to be normal, you will never know how amazing you can be.” 

Living the Freedom Life, this is Kyle.