Have you ever been driving along, minding your own business, and saw a squirrel come out in the middle of the road? 

Why do you think there are so many squirrels that are flattened on our streets and highways?

Okay, besides the tires on vehicles. 

It’s not like they’re slow. They’re fast enough to get out of the way. 

Why do you think so many squirrels meet their demise?

It’s because of indecision.  They can see danger approaching, and they’re able to see all the options before them, but they can’t make a decision. 

You’re listening to Living the Freedom Life, this is episode 119 and today we’re talkin about Squirrel!

Don’t worry, There were no squirrels harmed during the research or production of this podcast.

But picture it, there you are taking a nice drive down some wooded backroad, listening to your FAVORITE podcast, and all of a sudden you see a squirrel dart into the road in front of you, right in your path. 

He doges left, then pauses, you know, they always stop. And you’re getting close. Then he jukes right, he goes back to the side, then he makes a run for it to the other side of the road. 

There’s so many squirrels that get run over because they can’t make a decision.

THAT’S what kills them!

Yes, today’s episode is to show you how important it is for us to just make a decision. 

You see, we are much like the squirrels. We see an opportunity coming, and we’re also able to see, sometimes at an alarming rate, all of our options at once and it overwhelms us. 

Now a squirrel has a tiny brain. No, I’m not saying you have a tiny brain. What I’m saying is that if a squirrel is able to see all his options and get overwhelmed, and you have much more mental horsepower than a squirrel, well. You see where I’m going with this? 

Our brain is magnificent. When we set our mind towards a goal, there is little that can stop us. 

There have been studies that show this. When someone is convinced and believes that they have been burned on their arm, by heat, even in a cold environment, the brain can produce burn marks on that arm. When they really didn’t get burned. But the brain was convinced of it. 

The brain is extremely powerful.

Sometimes it’s so powerful that it can cripple us. When are imagination works overtime, we can imagine and play out scenarios that haven’t even happened yet. To the point of freezing us from action. All the while, a car is headed right for us!

Look, today, my message is short. 

Make a decision. 

If you are “waiting on God”, I can tell you from experience, He’s not long winded. He’s not going to give you this long drawn out answer in novel form. He’s probably not building this great big sign in the sky for you to take action. He wants you to realize that you need to believe in your abilities just like He believes in your abilities. He put them there. He made you. 

Even if it’s wrong, even if you mess up, Make a decision and take action. I will guarantee you, you will learn from your experience, grow from it, and you will be a better person because of it.

Maybe you already know, deep down which way to go and He’s just waiting, the world is just waiting, one person just may be waiting for YOU to take action. 

WHo knows, the Kingdom of Heaven may be shown to someone because of you taking the initiative and making a decision to take action on something. 

This is almost verbatim of what someone told me about starting this podcast. Living the Freedom Life. I enjoy doing this, but then again, it challenges me. I don’t want to say the wrong things. I want to have something interesting to talk about. I want to offer something of value to our community. 

But here is what happens. 

When I engage my brain in this process, I begin to see all of the options. I paint scenarios. I have pretend conversations with myself and sometimes with the people I would like to have as a guest and I find them interesting. And then I see other things, like what if it’s boring? What if I DO say something wrong or I might sound like I fell off of a tractor in Tennessee. My mind, it works so fast sometimes that I freeze and I’m able to quickly justify to just not take action. 

Then, just as our friend the squirrel, I get plowed over and wonder what in the world just happened? 

So, let me encourage you today, if you have something that you’ve really been putting off, remember our flattened friend in the middle of the road. Please, let us learn something from him. 

Make a decision. 

Even if it’s wrong, it will benefit us. 

In the longer term, we just may find that something just might sneak up on us. We may be Living the Freedom Life before we know it. 

I’m going to go make some decisions and I hope that you are too. So until next week, Living the Freedom Life, this is Kyle.