Traditions are peculiar. For example, think about some traditions that you like to see for your Birthday. Mine is coming up and I have to tell you, I struggle with a few different aspects of my Birthday. It makes me feel a little weird. I mean, I didn’t do anything. I was just born. We’re really just celebrating the marching of time. Well, we’ll talk about that today, You’re listening to Living the Freedom Life, this is episode 120 and today, awkwardly enough, we are talking about Time Marching On. 

Some people have an entire week where they celebrate their birthday. Some people have a cake, others throw a party. I know a guy who celebrates all month long during his so called Birthday month. To me, that’s excessive but to each their own. 

But to me, the tradition of birthday celebration it’s not a big deal.  The date of my birthday falls on Halloween. Now, I have to tell you, there is a lot that goes with that. 

I don’t think I ever heard my Grandad call me by my given name. He always called me “Spookem” or “Spook”. I loved it. It was important to me because he was the only one who called me that. It was “ours”. You know?

I remember when I was young, I would see people dressing up for Halloween, and I thought they were dressing up for my birthday. Now please, let’s remember, I was really young then.

There was a point in my life where I really struggled with my birthday falling on Halloween. what did it really mean that I was born on that day?  

Then, I didn’t know if fate controlled things, the Stars, Karma, or the universe; I just didn’t know.  So, I came to the conclusion that I was errantly evil because I was born on that day. It was awful, because I let it define who I was. But deep down, I knew that wasn’t accurate. 

Until one day, as they say, I met Jesus.  Now, it really wasn’t 1 day, but it was a series of events that led to a different awareness and eternal conclusion in my life. I realized there was meaning and a Creator,…and my Savior. He’d been there all along. And when I was able to realize that and experience it for myself, it changed everything. God wasn’t just a concept in an old book, he became real. 

And with that realness, came the awareness of my eternal life. We’re going to live for eternity. That’s something that’s hard to really wrap your head around. 

Now in the aspect of eternity, celebrating a birthday seems so…small now. Doesn’t it? 

It’s not that I’m against birthdays. And whenever someone’s birthday comes along, I want to celebrate them and their life. I want to celebrate with them.  I’m a very rich man when it comes to friends and I treasure those relationships. So, this isn’t an anti-birthday episode of this podcast.

I guess what I’m saying is, my birthday, to me, is growing less important. 

I suppose through the years, God is showing me that time is less important than the moment. 

2 Cor 4:18

So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.

You see, we are to build moments in our life that are meaningful.

We are to build friendships, so that we can share those moments with them. 

So I guess this birthday wish that I have, is a wish for you.

That you are able to tell those friends that you have in your life, how much they mean to you today, and every day. Build moments that are meaningful with them. Because Time Marches On.  but moments, they last forever.

Living the Freedom Life, this is Kyle.