Episode 117

Everyone wants to be a champion. Whether you are competitive or not. Everyone wants to be a winner. You’re listening to Living the Freedom Life, this is episode 117 and today we are shouting from…well, wherever you are, that We Are the Champions My Friend.

Everyone wants to be a champion. Deep down, no one wants a participation trophy. and as I said earlier, it doesn’t matter if you’re competitive or not, everyone wants to be a winner. 

Everyone wants to conquer, not to dominate or anything like that, that’s not what I’m talkin about. Everyone wants victory in their life. 

Do you feel like you have victory in your life?  I mean, do you really?  It’s okay.  I don’t feel like I do.  but that doesn’t remove the fact that I want it, I want victory in my life. and quite frankly, Jesus does too. He wants us to become Victorious.  In fact, He banked his life on it. 

So, I ask you again, do you want victory in your life?  Do you want to be the person that Jesus had in mind when he was on the cross? Do you want to be the person that God originally created you to be? 

Okay, now we’re getting somewhere.  So now, the million-dollar question is, how? 

That’s the question. Because, I mean, let’s be honest here, anyone that claims they have victory in every area of their life, is either #1, really arrogant and religious, or #2, they definitely don’t have many areas of their life that they look at on a regular basis, or #3, they are gravely deceived about themselves. Yeah I know, all three of them really are the same thing, I just said it in three different ways. They are deceived. That’s the bottom line. the Bible says “ it is I who no longer live, the Christ who lives Within Me” Gal 2:20

So according to all this, I’m dead. A dead man can’t put forth the effort to be a champion. But according to this, there is a conqueror, more than a conqueror, that lives in me. and you. 

Listen, I know that every week when you listen to this podcast, you may not feel like a conqueror, you may not feel like you’re living your best life, you may not even feel like you’re going to be able to hold it together. But you’re still here. you’re still putting in the work. if you are a client of ours, you’re logging on to the website and looking at the session notes, you’ve written down certain things on Post-it notes and note pads and journals and you keep them by you to retrain the wiring that’s in our mind, you’re putting forth the work that it takes to rewire our way of thinking that old way of thinking is done, you are putting new skin in the game because you are a new creation. you may not feel like it today, you may not feel like it tomorrow, but you keep putting the work in, you keep investing, you don’t chicken out you write it out. You are one of the ones who gets up and you are in training, because that is our approach, you are sticking to the program that is designed for you, you keep pushing, even though it’s not perfect, you feel like you aren’t perfect but you keep pushing through that insecurity and the self talk In the times you let yourself down, you keep pushing through. 

That!!!!! That is being a champion. Being a champion isn’t standing behind a Podium and someone putting a medal around your neck or putting a trophy in your hand. being a champion is working with tears in your eyes, sweat on your eyebrows so much that it stings your eyes. Those are the times that you’re being a champion. Because very few others are willing to do that work.  It’s working no matter what conditions you have to do it in.  It’s late nights and early mornings. It takes courage to continually show up like you do. 

Being a champion, is so much more than being Victorious, It’s so much more than being a head of anyone, being a champion Is really being the person God created you to be. And once you learn that all you need to do is show up and be willing, you’re already the champion He created.

Because he definitely didn’t have anything less in mind when he created you. 

I am amazed at the people who call me coach. I’m amazed at the people who listen to this podcast every week. and I’m Amazed that you’re here, showing up, yeah, we get knocked down, but we get up once more. that’s living the freedom life. 

I’m not going to pretend that I know each and every one of you, but I can tell you that I’m so grateful for you today. You are a champion.  Living the Freedom Life, this is Kyle.