Do you realize why we love the Marvel movies so much? Because against the odds, they are fearless. They are always up against a villain and the task is usually unsurmountable. 

Then, the hero overcomes and conquers. The classic story line. It’s exciting, …to see and watch. . .but for some… okay, for me…that’s waay in the distance. 

You’re listening to Living the Freedom Life, this is episode 113 and today we are talking about How to be Fearless.

One thing that I’ve learned is that you can’t be fearless, unless you know fear. Let’s just say that I should be more fearless than I am. Because I feel like I am intimately familiar with fear. But, I have learned that you can’t be fearless unless you know fear.

No, we aren’t going to have a trust fall or I’m not going to ask you to stick your arm in a bucket of spiders to face your fears.

I know it was a few years ago when the Marvel Movies were all the rage and there’s been countless sermon series on Superheroes. It’s kinda been the church thing to do in recent years. 

But I keep coming across this in our Coaching Practice time and time again with our clients. 

We want to be fearless. We want to be able to conquer this crippling fear that overwhelms us so quickly. It leaves us usually worse off than we were before. 

We want to be just like the hero in the movies that we see. But when something happens in everyday life, we easily get spun out of control to the point where we can’t face even the simplest of tasks, much less be able to swoop in to save the day. Then we feel conquered and a failure. We often think “There’s no way that I’m a superhero, or for that matter, how could anyone look up to someone like me?” 

You see, that’s the movies, that’s fantasy. No really! That is fantasy. That in itself may be a wake up call. But in real life, in order to be fearless, we need information, but we need it one on one, in context… not just a broadband scattering of vague info, assuming pictures or hyped up stories. We need facts in context and enough time to process it and assimilate.   

Some religious people would just say that “you only need truth and that’s that”… Well, yes, the truth doesn’t change. But again, we need facts in context, time to process it, and assimilate it where we realize it’s the truth. There’s a big difference. 

When it’s all said and done, we need someone with skin on, who we trust, someone who listens and speaks truth, one day at a time. Someone that we know will speak as the Bible says “in love” and not just “in correction”.

All of this is the prerequisite of being fearless.

An example of this is in a story about a little girl when her mom took her to the Dr. For some time, they had been concerned about problems with her feet, about potential flat feet.

As she was settling in the car seat the little girl was accepting the fact that they were headed to see the doctor. She didn’t like Doctors. She was worried–She really doesn’t like needles.

Mom reassured her there would be no needles, ‘The Doctor just wants you to take off your shoes and socks so he can see your bare feet and he wants you to walk around. No needles.’

In the office, the little girl was still apprehensive. But when the doctor asked her to do exactly what her parents told her he would ask, you could see the relief in her face.”

A little while later, while they were driving home, the little girl finally spoke up,

“‘Mom, what did he say, do I have people feet or bear feet?'” ummmmmm.

You see, the Mom meant b a r e feet and not Grizzly, Brown, Kodiak or Polar or even TeddyBear feet.

Sometimes… what we fear most isn’t real, it’s made up stuff, it’s incomplete information, untrue stuff. That beautifully creative mind that God gave us is sometimes like a computer. A computer can either give money to the poor online, or embezzle money. It depends on how its used. We need to be careful on how our mind, our imagination is used. 

Sometimes we just need to take a breath, trust that God is right there with us, in the same room, in the same space, and listen to the facts in His context.

Sometimes, just knowing what we are up against is enough. 

When I think of “knowing what you are up against and still being fearless”… I often think of David. 

You may be saying today that “David and I both are up against a Giant today!”

Okay, but have you taken the facts in context of what is really going on? 

Long before God guided David’s rock in the air, He revealed the truth to him, and David realized it.

Long before God asked David to take out his sling, He showed David how everything is small compared to God. 

Long before David heard the verbal assault, God whispered to David about who He was. “He” meaning both capitol H he, as in God, and little h he, as in David.

You see, we have to understand both, in order to be fearless. We need to understand how we are made, what makes us tick. And we also need to know a little bit about how Big God is. You want to be fearless? We need to be able to see both. 

I’m going to give you 5 facts about being fearless. It’s kind of a process to walk through these truths, but I share this with my clients. You ready?

You want to be fearless? Realize it takes a team. Because being fearless takes a team. The main trick of the enemy is to get you to think that you are alone. If Satan can get you to think and believe that you are alone, fear will set in. 

#2, Teamwork takes communication. Communication is key to any success. The lack of communication introduces a greater potential of failure.

#3 Communication takes community. In order to be a part of a community, you need to be vulnerable and share a part of yourself. A lot of times we’re hesitant to do that.

#4 Community takes time. This is not going to happen in some hallway quick water cooler type conversation. Community takes intentionality and sometimes even a little sacrifice. 

And finally #5 on how to be fearless. Time is up to us. No one is going to do it for you. This may be hard to hear for some and I don’t mean to offend anyone heere, but you are a manager of you. In other words, You decide how to spend your time. And if it’s important, you’ll find time. If not, well, there is your answer. God didn’t make us to be fearful. He made us to be more than overcomers. 

That’s the challenge today! The God of peace says…. “Take courage. Do not live in fear. Trust me.”

Lord… hear our fears; help us find comfort in You and our people feet, because they are in Your image and not Bears.

Living the Freedom Life, this is Kyle.