Who You Really Are

Happy Thanksgiving everyone.
Look, I’m just going to come right out and say it, everyone’s family is weird. I know, you probably think that you need to put up this big charade to let all of us know that your family is perfect, but deep down, you know, all of us have this one family member. . . and there is some truth to that old joke. . . if you can’t think of who that person is in your family, it may just be you.
You’re listening to Living the Freedom Life podcast, this is episode 124 and today we are talking about Who You Really Are.

Guest Ron Clark

So I want to introduce you to a new friend of mine. His name is Ron Clark. We ran into each other on Social Media. He consistently posts genuinely thought provoking statements, whether they are memes or simply writing down his thoughts. One of his recent posts, and I will let him explain this in a moment, it really caught my attention. I want to share it with you today as we welcome Ron Clark to Living the Freedom Life. This is episode 107.