Episode 126

The long awaiting of Christ. It’s so much more than some little wooden calendar that you open up little doors and get candy out of. And I’m not talking about some fat guy in a red suit, letting you know how many shopping days you have left. But nonetheless, Christmas is Approaching.

When Christ came, you know, when people say “the reason for the season”, This was a time that only a select few knew about. This wasn’t common knowledge. 

Yeah sure, the Magi, wise men, shepherds, the sheep, the cows (which are not too bright by the way), camels, they showed up, some kid with a drum, even a star knew about Christ’s approach. But not everyone knew about the event, well, not just the event of the year or even century, but the event of all of time. Not everyone knew that it was coming.  You’re listening to Living the Freedom Life, this is episode 126 and today we hope that you know, Christmas is Approaching.

Our daughter lives out of state and she’ll be coming home for Christmas.  The entire family doesn’t know that yet.  but, she’s communicated that to me and Tammy. Not simply because she has our phone number or email address, it’s because we have a relationship, we share life with one another. Because of that, when a big move is happening, we tell each other. 

We stay in communication. 

Now, as I’ve said, she lives out of state and we don’t get to see her as much as we’d like. So the anticipation of seeing her is pretty big. 

But that’s nothing compared to what was going on. Not for the event for all of time. 

This was the biblical time between the Old Testament and the New Testament.

It’s agonizing when you study what was going on during that time.

They wanted the promise of Immanuel fulfilled, God is with us, so badly they could taste it. 

It had seemed that all hope was lost, that the promise wasn’t going to be fulfilled. 

These people knew what it meant to yearn, they understood and was intimately familiar with waiting, searching for relief.

Instead of us groaning about early christmas deco and radio stations playing the same 18 christmas songs over and over again, let’s dare to focus on the hardship that we’ve endured. I know our dry season is nothing compared to what they put up with. But are we eagerly awaiting God to be with us in a certain area today? That’s what I mean by Christmas is Approaching.

You know, that’s why we study history, so as not to repeat it. No matter how horrible it is, no matter how offensive history may be, we have to acknowledge it or we are doomed to repeat it in some way. God can take His hand off, He can remove His covering and blessing. We can be left, wanting, yearning. 

What once was a lavish and fertile bottomland can turn into a dry desert bed within the change of a few degrees in temperature and a few inches in rainfall.  

What does this have to do with Christmas Approaching? I haven’t seen it before either, but let me share with you some things about Christmas Approaching. 

So, Let’s go back to the opener. Let’s go back to that manger scene where, we see all the cool kids who were in the know of that most important event in the history of forever.

How did they know? What made them so special? Why didn’t everyone else know about this when it was so important? Because it was about relationship. 

That’s how they knew. They were watchful. They paid attention to God’s heart in all situations. They knew that they couldn’t consider “Has God forsaken us?”. That wasn’t an option because He promised that He wouldn’t. 

No matter how dry it was, or how alone they felt, 

How did the cows know when they’re so dumb?  Even the cows can tell you when a cold front is coming in and from what direction.  Animals pay attention to the Earth’s response to Heavenly things, and then they respond to it. So, be careful to look down your nose through your position in creation, at animals. They may not know how to do new math, but they are able to see things that most humans don’t.  

When we celebrate the 3rd most important event of all time, it is on its way.. Yes, I want to correct my statement earlier, Christ’s birth was the 3rd most important event of all time. The first is where He paid our debt, once and for all. Tied for first was when He walked out of the Tomb.

So, the 3rd most important event of all time, Christmas is Approaching. Prepare.

Our relationship is what it’s all about. This way we are able to Live the Freedom Life. Remember, Christmas is Approaching. 

Until next time, Living the Freedom Life, this is Kyle.