Episode 103

A few months ago, we did a series in Fall being my favorite season of the year. But there has been a shift. I’m not rescinding my claim, I still love Autumn. It’s still my favorite time of year, but my view of Summer has changed. You’re listening to Living the Freedom Life, this is Episode 102 and today we are talking about Changing Seasons.

Okay, I’m just gonna tell ya. I don’t like to sweat. Well, I don’t mind it, I just don’t like to be HOT. Like, Texas 105+ degrees, 40 days in a row, planning your day around only being outside in the morning and after dark HOT. Geesh. I know, “Why do you live in Texas?” Right? Well, I do love Texas. I mean, to steal a line from King George, Texas is a place I dearly Love to Be.  But HOT. I’m talking about soldiers who come back from Kuwait, Iraq and Afghanistan and say it’s hot here. Did I mention I don’t like HOT?!?!

However…on the other hand, my Wife, well, let’s just say that that girl just may be solar powered. She LOVES the Sun. The Beach is her happy place. We were married in Jamaica. When we go on vacation, you can bet, there will be a beach involved. 

And as a result of that, I am intentionally collecting a more thorough selection of water related shoes than leather ones. In other words, I want to be prepared where my wife is at peace. I want to be equipped in the atmosphere where me and my family can be fed, rejuvenated and empowered. 

You see, summer is also a time where we float in the pool. I’ve takin the time to point all the jets in the same direction so that the water will circulate in the same direction. Kind of like a lazy river, you can just hop on a float and go round and round. We may have the grill going, we always have some music on the speakers. But I can’t tell you how many hours we’ve spent processing our week, the past week and what’s coming, we’ve made decisions and plans, we’ve talked about all sorts of things while floating around in that pool. 

We started a major home renovation and all the decisions included with that, we decided on how we were facing being empty nester’s, moving Jess to one area of the country for her undergrad, and an entirely different area of the country for her to finish up her education and begin to plant her career. We’ve done a lot of dreaming. 

I guess what I’m saying is that Summer’s meaning has changed for me. I used to just see it as hot

Now, I see it as a time to dream. Yeah, it’s relaxing, floating in the pool, letting the tension of the week float on by. Relaxing and then, The Lord begins to speak. You see, what’s happened in the Summer for us is the birth of so many important things in our life. It was like He was preparing us for the fall, to be activated.

We decided to begin my Coaching Certification and then to Open up our Coaching Practice while floating around in our pool. The Lord gave us a vision about this Podcast and as you know, that we just celebrated our 100th episode. So I guess we have our very own “think tank” so to speak. 

There have been some wonderful things birthed out of something that I just saw as a time of cooling off and relaxation.  And then, He goes to work.

I can tell you that today doesn’t look like what we first imagined. Our Coaching Practice looks very different than what we were dreaming of when we were floating in that pool years ago. 

I can also tell you that it has been a lot more hard work than we expected. Long nights and filled weekends have become normal instead of the exception when you own your own business. 

One last thing I can tell you is that it is much more rewarding than we ever imagined. It’s worth every bit of the hard work and patience we’ve endured. 

The reason we started Kyle McMurray Coaching was to help people. Bottom line. To be more precise, we began this adventure to watch The Lord heal people and empower them. We are getting to see Him do just that. It’s exciting. 

So, Summer has a dear place in our hearts. I know the sun may be beating down on you, but to us, it marks the sweet beginnings of an adventure that is a lot of work, stretches our patience, but more rewarding than we could have ever imagined. 

This Summer is no different. It’s not like I’m arrogantly walking into Summer and expecting God to download something amazing. But I am walking into this season, laying down my dreaded attitude of it being so Hot and doing what it takes for me to open up. To get all the distractions out of the way so that I CAN hear Him. That’s what He wants anyway. 

We are going through an entire re-design of our branding, website and online presence. Hopefully, out of those efforts, we will be able to help more people like you.

So if you go to our website and see some things that just don’t quite work or look right, let us know. We want to see what you are seeing. I’m getting off topic. 

Listen, “While God is interested in the little things in your life, He is less concerned about them, than He is of you yielding to Him so that He can draw nearer in relationship with you”. 

Let me repeat that and let it wash over you, let it sink in, “While God is interested in the little things in your life, He is less concerned about them, than He is of you yielding to Him so that He can draw nearer in relationship with you”. In other words, He is more concerned about you, than making the stuff happen. 

I want to let you know something about dreaming, 

A dream is designed to be so attractive in your heart, that it’s main purpose is to activate you, not to be your solution” ~ KMCoaching 

The reason I bring all of this up to you today, is I want to show you four things that we’ve learned about a season of dreaming. 

  1. You will need to be equipped for more than you know
    Your job is to be willing to learn and do anything it takes to be equipped, to be ready for this new dream that you are getting. Walk into this with open arms.
  2. The reality will seldom look like the dream
    This is where most people get frustrated or even fail. Our job is to be fluid in our vision. Just because we get the vision, doesn’t mean that He won’t send people to make it bigger than what we have. So, don’t get too rigid with what He downloads to you. Usually we find that it’s better than we ever planned, it may become different when other people get involved, but it has a better chance to become greater than it was in your head.
  3. The reward will surprise you
    If you begin discovering ways to serve others, you will have greater fulfillment than being motivated by “self”. Those rewards will last much longer than your happiness. 
  4. Genuine gratefulness is key
    A few episodes ago we touched on this topic. Gratefulness is tricky because it has to be genuine. It’s not an innate skill to choose to be grateful, we have to hone that skill. But the benefits could mean your success.

I know we are out of time, we try to keep this short, but The Lord wants to get your attention, He does it in mysterious ways. If you were listening a couple of episodes ago, we talked about being Bored. I believe the Lord uses that to brush away some of our distractions. For us, He uses the pool. What I’m saying is that we need to make sure that we are making ourselves available for Him to speak to the deep places in us. The places where they are not accessed everyday. Those special places. Invite Him in. He wants to meet you there. 

But our challenge is to get those distractions out of the way and to be open. 

You see, usually we can’t do that under our own initiative. We are not made to go to those places alone. That’s where community comes in. It takes guidance. Sure, the Holy Spirit may prompt us to go there, but on our own, to those places where we can’t see ourselves, usually not. That’s why we are here. We can help. If you would like to discuss it, I would be more than happy to. 

This may be a Changing Season for you. You may get asked to do something that you think is out of your league. Today, we discussed 4 things that you can start with, to meet Him there. 

Remember, we give away what we have, let’s make sure we receive life, Living the Freedom Life, this is Kyle.