We are not here to talk religion, but we will talk about what it means to have a personal, daily walk with God. Our goal is to not waste your time and be under 5 minutes. Come! Join the discussion.

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Nothing New Under the Sun

Have you ever heard the statement “There is nothing new under the Sun”? Well, it comes from the Bible in Ecc 1:9 It says it plainly from a guy who was Bill Gates, Warren Buffet and Jeff Bezos (Bay-zose) rolled all into one. His name was King Solomon and he was one rich guy. He had everything he could ever want, and he famously said “there is nothing new under the sun”.

I guess once you realize this, the world could become a little boring. You may begin to see just the same things, over and over again. Life would become monotonous.

We often get into the habit of seeing the same thing over and over again in everyday life. We could even read scripture the same way time and time again and believe that it means just the same thing over and over again.

The culture in Rabbis they teach each other not to look at scripture the same way twice.

Our challenge is to look at the living, breathing, alive, word of God and let it speak instead of our memory trying to tell us what the scripture is trying to say.

I know you’ve heard me say this before, but the bible really is a cool place to find answers.

You see, in Genesis 2 There was this Garden of perfection called The Garden of Eden. Now I’m sure you’ve heard of it, but it was perfect. It had trees and flowers and all sorts of plants and food was abundant. In fact, there was one tree that produced eternal life and Adam was told he could eat from it. While he was surrounded with all of that perfection, he was told not to eat from one tree and if he did, he would surely die. Well, let’s face it, it wasn’t exactly like Adam knew what death was. He had no reference point of death. I guess we could say, he had no knowledge in the difference of Good and Evil, yet. You see, the tree that he was not supposed to eat from, was called The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.

Then along came a spider and sat down… no that’s not right. In Genesis 3, the serpent came along and quite frankly, lied to Eve in saying you will become like God having this knowledge of Good and Evil. Which implied the accusation that God wanted to keep that away from Adam and Eve. Now, I hope by now all of us know that we were made after His image anyway. So the accusation is a lie because we’re already like God. But that’s a side note we can talk about another time.

What I’m saying is, in the Garden of Eden we unplugged our source of eternal life from trusting God and we started trusting our knowledge of Good and Evil. That tree, The Forbidden one, became our source. Now we depend more on our knowledge than we do our faith.

When we read scripture the same old way that we always have, we are depending on our knowledge… of good. This is the knowledge of good.

Let me ask you a question. You have the Tree of Life. what does it produce? Yes, eternal life. You have that other tree, what does it produce? Knowledge?

Well, let me ask it a different way. What’s the opposite of knowledge? Okay, some not so nice descriptive words of the lack of knowledge.

What’s the opposite of life? I think we’ve just discovered why God was trying to prohibit us from eating from that tree. As it turns out, what He says is true, “we will surely die”.

We can choose to read scripture while we depend on the source of the Tree of Knowledge and continue to see things the same way. How many of you have heard the statement “If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get the same thing over and over again”. So if you don’t that’s the definition of insanity. Doing the same thing over and over again, and expect a different result.

The culture in Rabbis they teach each other not to look at scripture the same way twice.

Our challenge today, is to look at the living, breathing, alive, word of God and let it speak, instead of our memory trying to tell us what the scripture is trying to say.

As you read today, listen. Listen and see if there are new ways of seeing scripture today. You may be surprised what you’ll find.

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